
Showing posts from September, 2024

European Day of Languages

 Each year the European day of Languages is celebrated on 26th September. Year 4 found out about  the Spanish culture, food and some facts about Spain. They also located Spain on a map of Europe and had a go at pronouncing some greetings and counting  in Spanish. They then created a visual fact file of everything that they had found out.

English WB 23/9/24

This week in English, the children have been hard at work editing their Fenrir descriptive paragraphs and even using the laptops to publish their work.   They had to brush up on their typing skills, but after a few reminders on how to use the space button they were away! We then put there descriptions into an AI image generator to create amazing pictures to go with their writing. Take a look at it in action. 

RE Festival Workshop- Ganesh Chaturthi

 Today Year 4 had their first RE festival workshop! They thought about how birthdays are celebrated and then learnt about how some Hindu's celebrate the birthday of the elephant-headed God Ganesh. We noticed some similarities and lots of differences.  We had a go at drawing at making a model of the God Ganesh out of playdoh. We had great fun!  Well done to Oakley and Eva who had a go at drawing Ganesh too. 

Maths WB 16/9/24

 This week in Maths, we were looking at partitioning numbers into thousands and also how we can use number lines to recognise numbers up to 10,000.  We needed to brush up on our addition and subtraction skills in order to do this! 

Reading - Library Time

 We have some brilliant readers in Year 4 and we have already been blown away by the children’s passion for books. In school, the children have access to our well-stocked book corners, as well as our whole school library. This week, Holly class had the privilege of spending some time in the library enjoying their books and even selecting some new ones to bring home. 

Christmas Production

  Music This week, year 4 took a break from their space topic  in music to look at something very exciting... BAH HUMBUG! Yes, I know it's only September, but in music we have already started looking at our Christmas production for December. The children enjoyed sharing what they already know about the traditional A Christmas Carol or any Scrooge adaptations that they have either read or watched.  Next, we spent our time listening to the songs that they will need to know by December. We even started learning one of them, so I apologise if they have come home singing Bah Humbug already.  More information to follow in the next few weeks about the Christmas production!

PE W.B 9/9/24

 Year 4 have been exploring the importance of space and movement this week in PE. They have been doing this within their dance unit. Being able to use space is vital when working/choreographing with yourself as a soloist or with your peers. 

Instructional Drawings - Pattern lesson 2

  This week in year 4, we looked at the concept of instructional drawings, based on the work of Sol LeWitt. We spoke about how we all received the same instructions, but we all interpreted them in our own unique way, producing completely different and unique outcomes. I was so impressed by some of the patterns produced - great work year 4!